The student news site of Skyline College.

The Skyline View

The student news site of Skyline College.

The Skyline View

The student news site of Skyline College.

The Skyline View

In the Post: Support the Trojans

Community college sports are harshly underappreciated, many students complete their two years at a community college without ever attending a sports event. Skyline students need to show more support for the sports programs by attending more games.

Sports are not for everybody, meaning there is a percentage of students who would never contemplate sitting through a professional sporting event – let alone a community college sports game. That leaves a bigger responsibility for sports fans to be an active supporter and participant in their college’s sports.

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No matter what the sport is, there is always a crowd aspect that plays into the atmosphere of an event. Home court/field advantage is alive and well in college sports because students are the best fans. Skyline has talented rosters across the six sports teams, most of which have garnered a considerable amount of team successes.

In the fall 2018 semester, the Skyline men’s soccer team earned 12 wins and made it to the playoffs for the second season in a row. They boasted a tremendous 6-3-1 record at home with little help from students in the crowd.

If the bleachers were filled up at every home game next season, an undefeated home record may be an attainable goal for the Trojans’ soccer team.

Contrarily, Skyline wrestling struggled this season. Having lost both their home meets and finishing with a 0-4 conference record, students in the crowd could provide a morale boost at home meets for the Trojan wrestlers.

Rooting for your college sports team and attending games can bring the community that every student is a part of closer together.

Community college is commonly seen in a different light than four-year institutions, both academically and athletically. Community college students can change their negative perceptions about being at a community college by succeeding in their classes and supporting their college’s sports programs.

College sports has a special place in the hearts of many. People that never attended a higher education institute still often have a favorite college team that they root for. Attending a hard fought win or loss for your team is an incomparable experience that will forever leave a mark on your educational experience.

College is a stressful time for almost everybody, and just being on campus can often surface flashbacks of cramming for a final or staying up to finish a paper. Creating fun memories with friends at games can bring a newfound appreciation for your time spent at a community college.

The time spent in community college, whether it be brief or lengthy, will always allow you an opportunity to attend a sports event.

My goal for In the Post was to write an informative sports column that could be enjoyed by sports fans and casual readers alike. This is the final edition of my column and I want to thank everyone that read my section throughout this semester, as well as my fellow staff at The Skyline View for their amazing support.

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