New laws regarding safety on campus to take effect Jan 1st

Graham Breitbarth

Public safety vehicle parked on Skyline College Campus

With the new year around the corner, new laws will come into effect on January 1st. Several of these laws affect college students in particular.

SMCCCD students will no longer have to pay tuition with the signing of SB 893.

Other bills passed and signed into law will offer more services to students who are victims of sexual assault or domestic violence on campus. AB 1467 passed the state senate unanimously and was signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom in September.

The bill states that under the changes, colleges would be required “expand the information that victims are required to receive, including information regarding the availability of counselors and support services and information regarding any alternative dispute resolution or other accountability processes.

Another bill, AB 2683, also intends to educate victims on the resources offered. Under this new law, colleges are required to post information on how to prevent sexual assault as well as methods of receiving peer support.

Skyline public safety officer Chih Chu Zee explained that under current protocols if an assault happens, officers will report and forward the information to local police.

“We have to work along with our local agencies,” Zee said. “Sometimes [victims] don’t want to talk to us, but we understand. We’ve gone through training…”

“I feel like there’s not much of a threat here [on campus],” freshman Abby Alonso told The Skyline View. “There’s plenty of staff here and I feel that everything is well advertised,” she added.

AB  2683 states that “Campuses are urged to adopt policies to eliminate barriers for victims who come forward to report sexual assaults and to advise students regarding these policies. These policies may include, but are not necessarily limited to, exempting the victim from campus sanctions for being in violation of any campus policies, including alcohol or substance abuse policies or other policies of the campus, at the time of the incident.”

A campus report on crime showed only one reported act of domestic violence in the previous three years.

Students can reach campus security by calling (650) 738-7000 or 9-1-1 for emergencies.