An effective way to spark change for minorities

America is divided now more than ever. With Presidents Trump’s executive decision to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), immigrants, especially Latino communities feel that they are under attack by their own government. It is important to understand that long before the executive decision, people of color and low income have been displeased with their government’s effort to improve their condition of their communities.

This country has not been shied away with her history of racism and discrimination towards people of color. Minorities in the U.S have always felt oppressed by their government and by those in power. These communities are not only ignored, but they also had to endure neglect by their politicians and government officials. Minorities have always sought change and dreamt of the idea of equality.

Change is inevitable and those who want it must understand that it is a slow process that can’t be forced. Therefore violence does not accomplish anything. Riots that are sparked by a positive message, are still riots. Attacking a man for believing in the wrong message, is still assault and is not justifiable in any way. The expression that hate can’t be fought with hate should always be taken into consideration.

Many will say taking to the streets and protesting has an enormous impact on conveying a message quickly. I am not discrediting protesting nor am I saying it has no impact. Protesting is protected by the first amendment and is very effective. In addition to protesting, another effective way to impose change in our communities is by representing your community in the best way possible.

For example, if you have the resources to pursue higher education, then you should take full advantage of it.

An effective way to spark change is to be the change. Lead by example. Take initiative to be more than a stereotype or statistic. According to Pew Research, college enrollment among Hispanics ages 18 to 24 had tripled since 1996. Strive for higher education and embrace your race, culture and religion. Motivate our Hispanic community to become doctors, engineers, politicians, lawyers and teachers. It is important to represent your community as best as you can. And once you reach that influential and high statute job, persuade others in your community to follow in your footsteps.

Complaining about those in power accomplished nothing. However becoming the person in power does. In a way, money makes the world go round. Those with money and high stature will have the better resources to influence change in their community. Depending on others that do not come from the same community is useless. Take initiative and become the change that you seek.