The student news site of Skyline College.

The Skyline View

The student news site of Skyline College.

The Skyline View

The student news site of Skyline College.

The Skyline View

Trump-Biden rematch, causes election fatigue

Joshua Stokes
Satirical voting ballot for the upcoming election, which represents how people feel about the Biden-Trump rematch.

Election year! The time where everyone and their grandma suddenly knows anything and everything about politics and political candidates. I want everybody reading this to understand that I am not a U.S. citizen. I cannot vote in any election. I try my best to be as independent and “third party” as I can and forget the labels we give each other. I try to forget the prejudices against different ideas and truly just look at who is the best option.

I have not found a good option yet, so if you find one, let me know.

Let’s start off with a comparison between 2024 and 2020. The Chiefs and the 49ers were both at the Superbowl (and the Chiefs won both… nice script, guys). They are both leap years, and it is yet another battle between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. The only thing missing is another pandemic, and I’m sure none of us want that.

With the election coming up, the same questions come up year after year as to what Americans wish to vote for. Does this president have the country’s best interest at heart? Are they going to forgive student loans? What is their immigration policy? What laws are they planning on changing? What are we going to do about our budget?

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Every president promises things they cannot supply. Sometimes that is their fault and they were lying, and sometimes it is because the law has to go through the House and Senate, but they cannot agree. Let’s be honest here, student loan debt isn’t getting forgiven anytime soon. Obama tried to get rid of it. Trump did little to get rid of it, but it was not a big talking point for him. The Biden administration promised it for years and continually did nothing about it. 

They say it’s “too complicated” to get rid of student loan debt, which I do not deny. Student loan debt can’t just be canceled out of nowhere. I understand enough about policy to understand it’s not that easy. However, I refuse to listen to someone who says that and then turns around and gives out all of our tax money to an overfunded military or even worse, they give our money to countries like Israel. What does Israel need with my tax money?

There are problems here in the US we need to face, and we’ve been neglecting them for many years. Especially as someone living in California, I’d like to see some of my money go towards helping the homeless population and getting them into safer housing. I would also love to drive somewhere and not have to worry that yet another pothole is going to destroy my tires or suspension. I am sure many of you would love to see the field of education get a boost in funding so teachers can earn a livable wage and give our students a better education.

But I digress, for I am but a single man. Sure, I don’t like the “choices” we’ve been given but some of you may. I suggest you choose whether to vote or not based on your own personal views. If no one supports your views in this election, then don’t vote for someone else just so you can say you have ticked a box. If you are a fan of what Trump or Biden has to say and you think they will improve the country, then go out and make your voice heard. Just as long as you’re voting for the right reason.

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