Are interracial relationships still a taboo?

There are many facts of life, some of them are good and some of them are bad. Democrats are going to disagree with Republicans, and vice versa. Reality television isn’t going anywhere because, lets face it, everyone likes watching a train wreck. It’s easier for society to put down and degrade what it doesn’t understand, and the judgements that coincide with the opinions of the masses are always bad. Case in point: Interracial relationships are still against the social norm.

Wait, really? It’s 2013 and it’s still unsettling for people to see an African-American man with a white woman? It’s frowned upon for an Asian-American man to be dating an African-American woman? How about a white man to be dating an Asian-American woman? I think it’s past time that society, Americans, Californians, and humanity as a whole get over it!

In this day and age, it’s a terrible thing that there are people who look down upon interracial couples. Should we sit back, as a people, and be proud that these simple minded stooges are out there representing the human race?

When you’re out and about and you see a couple that happens to not share the same skin color, does it make you angry? Not because you can’t pull someone of similar looks, but because they’re dating outside of their “kind”? If you’re one of the delightfully addle-brained simians who think that such judgmental behavior is a good thing, then I think it’s time you grow up and get over it!

People are attracted to personalities, not just skin color or social status. It doesn’t matter if a black man wants to date an Asian woman, or if a white man wants to date a black woman. It doesn’t matter if an Asian woman wants to date a white woman or an middle-eastern man wants to date Latin men.

Color. Shouldn’t. Matter. What matters is that people are happy. Really, truly, genuinely happy. If you’re one of the last fossilized cadavers that still thinks such relationships are a bad thing then you need to do us all a favor and get with the times. The only one’s still keeping track of race cards and color coding are the same knuckle draggers who think it’s a good idea that the government shut down because Obama is a secret alien spy from Pluto.

Get with the program people. It’s way too late to think such devolved thoughts.