Dear Gabby,

  • I am an eager student and an active participant in class. I go to my classes, I get good grades but I feel like I don’t do enough for all that our school has to offer. I would like to be involved in school activities but don’t know where to start. What should I do?


Eager Student

Dear Eager Student,

Are there any skills you would like to improve on? Like leadership? Writing? Public Speaking? Physical shape? Study habits? Think about it. Whatever you need to improve on is most likely what you will need to improve on in the future anyway. Get that practice in now while you are in the presence of people who are are in like mind and won’t judge you.

For example, Here are some ways you can improve your writing skills, while being active. You can be the historian of a club of your interest, join The Skyline View staff or even apply for scholarships and get some money out of it.

Perhaps you need improvement in your stage presence. You can join the Theater Club or just try out for the next production. Join the Model United Nations Club and start debating. Join the Public Speaking Club or The Skyline Student Round Table two cubs which highly involve expressing ideas vocally.

The best way to be involved is to join a club on the subject you are most comfortable with and grow with them. Your interest will lead to more involvement.

But it doesn’t have to necessarily lean towards improvement or clubs. You may go to our SOCC meetings and check out what’s going on in our student government, along with the upcoming events in our school. They can always use a volunteer or someone with different ideas. Feel free to enter and see what the student government is all about and maybe even realize how you can make a difference.

Another suggestion would be to scout for a mentor. Students have busy lives and have all types of concerns with school, work, bills, kids, but sometimes friends or even family can’t help you through tough situations in school. You can try a counselor that you really like, a teacher you admire, a coordinator of a program you’re interested in or a class mate with some genuine old school knowledge that can put you on some real game. It is always best to have someone of a different lifestyle share their knowledge with you. This kind of bond creates motivation and good guidance.

Most of all, Skyline can always use more student support and it’s much more than joining a club and going to meetings. Go support our sport teams, attend speaking events, check out our art gallery, attend theatrical events, go get your free trials for massage or mani/pedi’s, go to the workshops provided by our teachers. There is so much going on in this community! What we need is more students like you wanting to be involved and I thank you for reaching out.

I wish you the best of luck!

