California public universities out of reach for some residents

California residents may soon be fighting for a spot at California State University and University of California schools.

According to an article from Sacramento Bee, a new report from Campaign for College Opportunity found that the percentage of Californians being turned away from UC and California State University has doubled over the past two decades, due to rapid growth in the number of college eligible students and an availability of slots that hasn’t kept up with demand.

The report shows that there is a disproportionate amount of 4.0 students and foreign exchange students being accepted into California public university as opposed to “normal” students (non- 4.0 and residents of the state).

Although the number of first time freshmen from California high schools enrolled in CSUs for the fall of 2014 was 60,578, out of that number, 60,282 were California residents, according to In 2015, it is going to get more difficult due to the rising standards of these schools.

As for UC campuses, according to dates from, the number of California applicants for the fall of 2014 were 384,022 students. The number of students admitted were 134,161. Overall, the number of students enrolled in the UC colleges were 33,824.

For foreign students attending college, California actually has the number one ranking in the U.S. with a total of 135,130 foreign exchange students in the state itself, according to data from the Institute of International Education website. The majority of international students do attend UCs, with the top school being University of Southern California.

Transfer students face a tough battle as well in getting an acceptance to a CSU or UC. It’s not guaranteed that everyone will get accepted to the schools in which they applied.

According to, the number of transfer students from California community colleges to CSUs in the fall of 2014 were 47,418. Of that number, 46,188 were California residents.

At Skyline, there’s also a possibility that students interested in transferring will have a small chance of being accepted to the universities of their choice.

“If California goes on that route and only accepts who are only international and 4.0 students, then the basic question [is]: what happened to everybody else? What’s going to happen to us [regular students]?” said Pricsilla Sanchez, a bioengineering major. “We are not defined by our GPA.”

Skyline College has a 12 percent transfer rate, as stated on

“Regarding enrollment, we expect to see a consistent level of demand for courses in the near future and will actively design our schedule of classes to meet that demand”, Director of Marketing, Communications, and Public Relations, Cherie Colin, said in an email on behalf of Skyline College.

“I feel like that 4.0 gap would scare off a massive majority of the population,” Roger Krupetsky, biology major said. “I think most, if not all community colleges would end up closing and that would make it harder for people to get that education and 4.0.”