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The Skyline View

The student news site of Skyline College.

The Skyline View

The student news site of Skyline College.

The Skyline View

The J-Spot – How to approach and be approached!

The J-Spot - How to approach and be approached!
By Daniel Chee/The Skyline View

With this being the last print edition of the semester, I thought I’d leave you with something you could take with you during our winter break. I know and have seen a lot of friends with potential, potential to find the Mr. /Mrs. Right, even if it is just for one night. The down fall of a lot of people is not knowing how to make yourself available or even on how to approach another person, and it’s a lot easier than people think.

There are obviously tons of approaches to making yourself available. Ladies and gentlemen, the best way to know if the person you’re looking at is looking at you is eye contact. There are exceptions. For instance, if you make eye contact once, it can be a fluke, so don’t jump on the first glance you get. Eyes sometimes are the key to a conversation, so use them to your advantage. If you catch your eye candy looking your way a few times, more than likely they are interested so get ready to get your “Crazy, sexy, cool” demeanor on and smile.

If you are approached by an interested individual, there are a few things you should not do. One thing is to not reject them right away. Give someone a chance, at least a few sentences or two to understand their intentions. Being a stuck up…well…jerk, won’t give good vibes to anyone. I know a few girls that think it’s okay to call guys indecent names right off the bat. If you’re going to do that, you might as well walk away without saying anything, it’s a turn off and it makes you look like a prude. If you’re used to accusing a guy of being rude, you’re actually just doing the same in assuming that of him.

Also, to add to my thought on eyes playing a big role in showing interest, don’t give dirty looks because dirty looks can equate to dirty feelings. (Take that however you want to.)

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When approaching someone you have to find a happy medium within yourself; you can’t seem bored and you can’t seem overly interested. If you act overly interested you are going to come off as eager and desperate, two very unattractive characteristics. In some cases, your overreaction may come off as creepy and you will officially be dubbed a “creeper” or “stalker.” And being a “stage five clinger” is a title you’ll never be able to live down.

The easiest way to seem available and interested is to act normal, have a conversation with the person and just talk. Ask questions, be a bit flirtatious, and add a splash of wit for a perfect recipe to make yourself available.

Don’t assume every guy or girl is the same. Just because some drunken frat boy tried talking to you and grabbed your butt as he walked away doesn’t mean the next guy will do the same. And guys, just because a girl slept with your best friend doesn’t mean the one in the tight red dress that’s giving you the look is going to do the same either. By thinking that way, you are already setting yourself up for failure. Mind you, it’s a thought that subconsciously builds a wall before your interest can even think about talking to you.

Making yourself available can be easy, but it obviously mainly depends on your demeanor and willingness to let something new come your way. Don’t be a prude and don’t be overly eager, and things will begin to flow for you.

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