Political presence on the wrong platform

Don’t leave it to social media to squash your real-life problems.

Everyone always has something to say on Twitter and everyone seems more comfortable behind a screen.

The use of social media has significantly risen over the years. Online users are using different social media platforms for different reasons.

According to research conducted by the Pew Research Center in Internet and Technology, a vast majority, 69 percent, of US adults have established an online presence on at least one platform. US adults between the ages of 18-29 have the biggest online presence at 88 percent.

Instagram might be used to post a good picture of a night out, and Snapchat to post some humor, Facebook for your family, and Twitter has served as a big platform for users to get their news, and with the news comes commentary.

A Pew Research journalism and media study composed in 2017 found that 74 percent of US adult Twitter users use the platform as a way to access news. This means a total 11 percent of US adults are getting some of their news on Twitter.

The president’s Twitter activity, as well as the feed of other authorities, have constantly made their way into headlines. However, those writing a Tweet about their opinion when they have 200 followers aren’t going to change the world.

Sitting at home, or behind a screen isn’t going to solve any issues. Whether it’s about politics, or something personal, it might not be doing a whole lot to vent about it on Twitter.

It is important to take action for what you believe in. While sitting on your phone tweeting to the world might make you feel unstoppable, here’s a reality check, it’s just social media.

Like thoughts and prayers, tweeting is a start but it’s not going to change anything that is going on in the real world. Twitter might even help you gain knowledge of the news taking place, but unless there is action behind your tweets they will not and can not change the way things are.

While 88 percent of millennials have found the time for Twitter and social media, this active presence has yet to be taken to the polls.

The United States Census Bureau found that of those in the age group of 18-29, only 46.1 percent reported voting in the 2016 election.

How is it that we make time to vent about the real world problems, but we don’t take it to real world solutions?

Life is more than snaps, and tweets. Subtweets won’t solve your drama, and venting tweets won’t change politics.

It takes a involvement to change history. We have seen young people present in movements such as the civil rights movement.

There have been young people organizing the March for Our Lives. If high school kids, can take action there should be no reason adults should be hiding, or angrily tweeting behind a screen but not taking it outside.

Nothing is wrong with social media, but there is something wrong when our generation as a whole prioritizes social media presence over a voice in the polls.