The student news site of Skyline College.

The Skyline View

The student news site of Skyline College.

The Skyline View

The student news site of Skyline College.

The Skyline View

Colleges need to be more stern with overall attendance
According to, 29.7 of college students nationwide were considered to be chronically absent in the 2021-2022 school year. (image courtesy of

Colleges across the nation alike need to be more stern with attendance to ensure student success and maintain the student retention rate.

I am someone who’s very glad Community College is now free for many of us. It allows many students like myself to balance expenses between everyday life and school. While I was still paying for my classes I noticed the financial aspect kept me in check in many ways.

Many of us I’m sure were the type to skip class back in High School. I also would much rather go on down to Tanforan, get some food, and watch a movie than go to class from time to time. In high school you can skip class with less consequences. You may lose out on some points, but if worst comes to worst you can retake a class the next semester to ensure graduation.

However, The problem with doing that in college is that these classes now will cost you anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

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Sure you won’t get in trouble or your parents get called, but if you fail a class you now have to pay to take it again the next semester. Some semester-long classes used to cost upwards of 200 to 300 dollars, or even at places like UCs or CSUs they are closer to the thousands range. The financial aspect of that money loss is a big push for people to care more about their education. No one wants to go broke a second time to retake a class you could have cared a little bit more about.

In terms of our current tuition situation at Skyline, there is much less of a financial burden with there being little to no fees now.

With this little financial barrier there’s a lot more opportunity for the people who couldn’t afford school to get their higher education. The issue that arises here is the kind of people that would typically skip class are more likely now thanks to there being no financial incentive to stick with it.

This is where I think professors and other leading figures in Skyline can step up to ensure that those who fall behind due to laziness are shown the consequences of their actions. If they then choose not to care that’s on them, but there are plenty of people who need that kick to get them into shape. Of course if there are valid reasons for being absent or not being able to complete an assignment on time I want there to be a safety net. No one should be punished for something out of their control.

As a person who was very lazy in previous years and didn’t care enough about his schooling, the catch up I have to do now isn’t fun. I have to build up my grades much more intensely than previous years and catch up with classes more than I would like to. Try your best to put as much effort towards your schooling as possible, It might just turn your situation around.

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