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The Skyline View

The student news site of Skyline College.

The Skyline View

The student news site of Skyline College.

The Skyline View

Taylor Swift is in fact a good artist

Joshua Stokes
A compliation of Taylor Swift albums

Taylor Swift is truly an amazing artist. Now, depending on the genre of music you listen to and how you perceive her as a person, you’re either a fan (aka a Swiftie), or a firm hater of that first statement.

Don’t get me wrong, there are hundreds of other talented artists I would be writing about. However, as someone who was just recently converted into a Swiftie, it was only right that Taylor Swift gets this honorable mention.

Identifying as a “Swiftie” or not, it’s hard to deny the ground breaking presence she’s made over the last couple decades. From jump starting her music career at such a young age to now traveling the globe for her record smashing “Eras’ ‘Tour, she’s done more than leave her mark. It’s because of her recent tour being published, promoted, and talked about absolutely everywhere, I found myself fully investing and immersing myself in her music.

With only knowing just a handful of her songs, it honestly tugs at the heart strings listening to her experiences through her craft. To be as transparent as she is, talking about coming of age memories, reflecting on the past in hindsight, feeling the pain and joy of a relationship, or exposing the highs and lows of fame takes a lot of courage but also all the more makes Swift out to be the amazing artist that she is.

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Something that touches not only every Swiftie, but also everyone that has a favorite Swift song, to their core is how she narrates a moment in her lyrics. The way she conveys a feeling or shares her truth through literal, metaphorical, and analogical writing is absolutely captivating.

Yes it’s true that she’s talking about her own personal experiences, but what makes Taylor Swift so mesmerizing is how concise she is with how she captures the moment, or an intense feeling within a single line that resonates with the whole world going through both a similar, and or completely different experience.

To be as talented with storytelling in music as she is, leaves people emotional and in awe after listening to a song. People relate to her situations and live vicariously through her lyrics. We all know Taylor mostly writes about relationships but let me tell you, with the never ending lists of songs that she has, there’s definitely one you can relate to.

For going through what we all go through with romantic and platonic relationships, I can’t emphasize enough how her lyricism grasps and encapsulates a situation to a T and acts as a release for her audience. Swift’s music is truly a catharsis for the people.

Embarrassingly enough, at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if Taylor Swift would be on my top 5 artists on this year’s Spotify Wrapped compilation.

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