The student news site of Skyline College.

The Skyline View

The student news site of Skyline College.

The Skyline View

The student news site of Skyline College.

The Skyline View

    9/11: Nightmare or political gold mine?

    Every generation has a great depression or war. This generation is no different. Our parents had the Gulf War, our grand parents had the Great Depression. On the eleventh day of September in the year 2001 we got our tragedy.

    In New York two planes crashed in to the World Trade Center and from that single event spewed an avalanche of nonsense. The unique thing about tragedy is how it binds people together and over the years it has helped and hurt the government.

    Armed with 9/11, the government pitched words at us like justice and patriotism and hero and we loved it. Now they control us. Now we have even less to fight back the erosion of our freedom with. Look at our great nation of people, what has happened to our freedom? We live huddled in our homes waiting to watch the national security alert change colors. We live and breath as Big Brother tells us. He’s singing his song every time you turn on the TV or radio.

    9/11 was with out a doubt a tragedy, but the even bigger tragedy is what has become of our country. A man that insults us every time he speaks leads us. A man that dumbs down his language so he can talk to the “common American” is saying that we should go to war.

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    9/11 is a manipulative tool so perfect, that even now as your reading this article you’re thinking about it your blood boiling. Now your spoon-fed patriotism is signing you up for the army. Now you’re supporting the colonization of Iraq, Bush’s 51 State. Even if you agree with me 9/11 is controlling you because you don’t want to be “unpatriotic.”

    The truth is, we haven’t had enough time to think about this war. We have been bogged down by mourning our losses. Every soldier’s death being reported on prime time news, along with rising gas prices and everything else. America is exhausted but not the government-it never sleeps. Its hand is in your pocket before you even knew you had any thing there. Its monotone voice is lulling us to sleep.

    Now America, it is not the time to worry about stepping on government toes. Now America, it is the time to take our country back for the U.S. and form a new government. Fight with me.

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