The View from Here: Shameless in Legacy

“If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” – Benjamin Franklin

These words, spoken by a man who was the voice of his time reflect thought beyond his years. This is also good advice to follow. Sometimes we do need to stop and think, “Who am I living for?” Are we pursuing a subject in school because we want to do this, or is it a goal that someone else has set out for us?

Think about the person you want to become and take baby steps to becoming future him or her. For who would Benjamin Franklin be if he just sat in his room and thought about flying a kite in pursuit of greater scientific knowledge?

Leaving a legacy is not as deep a thought as it sounds. Kids these days repeat mantras such as, “YOLO,” which is the poor man’s “carpe diem,” but what do they really mean? I see them as living out your own goals and creating the life that you want.

Skyline recently held it’s 10th annual Rock the School Bells conference, an event aimed to empower and educate youth and students about the importance of higher education through a culture that resonates with them and this past year’s theme was Legacy. Skyline’s legacy is certainly something to celebrate, with nearly 50 years as a community college, a transition school, and a place where people can accomplish their necessities under their belt.

Think of it like this: You’re the captain, and Skyline is the ship. You can choose to steer it wherever you wish to go.

You can go abroad, and see the world, or stay here, and become the best damn writer the Talisman, our literary showcase, has ever seen. Maybe you pop in to Skyline on the way to becoming a famous guitarist. Or maybe you came here as a commuter student, doing the one-two-step of juggling classes and working with every intent of leaving soon, but you walk away with some of the best friends you’ve ever met.

Many people are totally directionless when they arrive at Skyline College and that’s okay, too. Don’t be afraid to touch, climb and explore. And if that’s not for you, then I want to recommend a cozy, quiet, reading spot on the roof of building 4 where no one will bother you, for the person that is here to just “do their own thing.”

Or don’t pick a direction. Pursue all of them! By the end of his life, Benjamin Franklin could claim the title of renowned polymath, leading author, printer, political theorist, politician, freemason, postmaster, scientist, inventor, humorist, civil activist, statesman and diplomat.

And let’s not forget that our friend Benji is also featured on the $100 bill. If that’s not a legacy to aspire to, I don’t know what is.