The View from Here: If you want it, go get it

Another end to another semester, but this time it’s a little different. The end of this semester marks my last semester being a part of The Skyline View editorial staff, which is bittersweet to say the least.

The newsroom taught me many lessons over the two years I lived in it. There’s the obvious ones like meeting deadlines, and the harder ones like managing other humans that are aiming to meet your deadlines.

However the lesson that I’m going to value the most for the rest of my life is a pretty basic rule: if you want something you have to go out and get it yourself.

Although this is an idea I was already familiar with, I hadn’t given it much serious thought throughout my life, especially in my own education. Pre-TSV I was just another aimless, undeclared community college student.

Once I joined TSV, I felt like I had more purpose and there was a reason for the work I was doing. Did you know that once you start trying hard, the results of your work are more satisfying? Funny how that works.

So even though I’m moving out of the newsroom, I won’t stop applying that idea in my everyday life. Because of my new found drive, I’ve earned two scholarships this year and made the Dean’s List. I hope my story can inspire you, dear reader, to go out and work diligently for what you want to achieve.

Well, guys, looks like that’s it. You might see my name pop up here and there, but for now stay groovy, Skyline.