Faculty with firearms

After the Parkland mass shooting, many are looking toward the government for changes in gun legislation. President Donald Trump suggested last week that teachers should be armed in case of an emergency, like a mass shooting. But he did not mention the possibility of doing something about gun control.

On Feb. 14, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida became the 30th mass shooting of the year, according to Gun Violence Archive (GVA). This is an American experience that no child or teen should have to witness or be a part of.

At the time of the mass shooting in Florida, a trained officer who was on duty at the school, froze in terror by what he was witnessing. A trained officer was unable to act when armed, yet the president suggests that a teacher should carry a gun to be prepared just in case.

Trump suggested giving bonuses to teachers who get gun-trained to protect their students. Trump claims that by giving guns to about 20 percent of teachers at each school, it will prevent shooters from coming in, and if they still go in, they will know that the school is armed.

Paula Silva , a mother of two and an English teacher from Skyline College shares her thoughts on Trump’s proposal.

“I think this is ludicrous,” said Silva. “It completely contradicts what I think of being a good teacher. . . a disguise for more guns to be all around”

Ideally, schools are a safe, loving and nurturing place for children to be in for learning purposes. Suggesting that teachers should carry guns in schools threatens safety and does not truly solve anything. It contradicts the purpose of wanting effective gun control laws across the country.

Gun control has been a constant battle for many years and it has been frustrating for many to see that the legislative branch has been unable to pick the lives of children over guns.

“Its all about political contributions and maintaining power” said Silva.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) has been a contributor to this issue in the United States by giving millions of dollars in contributions to Congress members and campaigns which gives them enough power to sway government decisions.

“This country values personal and civil liberties and many politicians are both supported (financially) by those in favor of guns and so it’s difficult to change people’s mentality “ said Christina Merlo, a psychologist who attended John F. Kennedy University and is currently getting her doctorate.

According to the L.A. Times, the NRA gave President Trump a contribution of about $30 million in order to defeat his opponent, Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election. This may be a reason why Trump suggests teachers have guns rather than creating stricter gun control laws. He owes the NRA for the help they gave him.

The right to have a militia has been protected by the Constitution since the Second Amendment was created in 1789, but things have changed and the way we live now is different.

Child development professor Adrienne Villegas, shared her perspective on the effects Trump’s proposition could have on the children if it ever became a reality.

“Children are asking questions,” said Villegas. “Children have no sense of the dangers of guns even if they act it out.”

Many kids, as they grow up, play with imaginary guns which as Villegas said, is very common. Yet, they do not understand the effects of what a real gun can do. Suggesting that teachers should have guns would make them seem like a normal thing to have, which is not.

Villegas said that she noticed and heard students admit that they feel safe at Skyline College yet she questions whether the school has enough public safety officers.

The suggestion Trump made last week may seem ludicrous to many across the country, yet many agree and support him.

“It is not the solution” said Silva.