New Faculty Position at Skyline College

A new position has opened up here at Skyline College. Future expansion of the placement testing center in Building 2 and the CALT drop-in computer lab in the library means that a lot of new hardware and technology, like more computers, printers and servers, will soon be up and running. Since all of this new hardware and technology is in fact coming to campus, the college needs a qualified individual to supervise all of it. Skylines administration will get a little expansion as well. The new, aptly named, dean of technology will be in charge of overseeing and supervising all of this new hardware and technology that is soon to come.

“We’re currently interviewing for the position,” Mary Gutierrez, dean of language and arts here at Skyline College said. “I think you’re a little ahead of the story, though. The only thing worth reporting right now is that the position has been approved and that we’re in the process of hiring.”

According to Gutierrez, in the simplest of terms, the new dean of technology will be here primarily to help provide the proper technology for Skyline students to utilize here on campus. That technology being the computers and printers in the library and drop-in computer labs, printers, copiers and wi-fi internet access etc etc.

So to sum up, the library is currently being updated to house the soon to be expanded CALT drop-in computer lab that used to be in the basement of Building 2. According to Skyline administrative officials, that project is expected to be finished by summer of 2014. In addition, the placement test center in Building 2 is being updated and expanded to allow for more occupancy and vacant, accessible and up to date computers for all of the prospective new students that Skyline expects entering the college in the future.

The expansion of these two facilities means that Skyline will have a lot more hardware with regards to technology to take care of. That’s why they’re currently hiring for the position of dean of technology.
The school hopes to have this position filled by the time the new facility in the library is up and running in the summer. Once our new dean of technology is on board, you can bet that we here at The Skyline View will get the story to you first. Be on the lookout for a profile on our newest administrative team member in the Language and Arts Division, dean of technology.