Letter to the Editor: I believe Chancellor Galatolo summed it…


I believe Chancellor Galatolo summed it up when he wrote, “Dr. Stanback Stroud modestly performs all of her duties, functions and roles with the utmost integrity and devotion to her craft and has never exemplified anything close to a narcissistic or egotistical persona. In reality, which obviously escaped the illustrator and any other ill-informed party who authorized publishing the cartoon in question, Dr. Stanback Stroud is a kind, caring and considerate person who has always placed students at the center of her universe. For the cartoon to speciously and deceivingly portray her as a self-centered individual is grossly negligent and the illustrator should formally apologize to Dr. Stanback Stroud for that pejorative misrepresentation of an outstanding leader and brilliant college president.”

Dr. Standback Stroud’s door is open to all faculty, staff and students. Might I suggest if you have concerns or even complaints make an appointment and sit down with Dr. Standback Stroud. She is very easy to talk with whether your agree or disagree on the topic.

Freedom of speech is everyone’s right. However, please be informed as and before you write