Joshua Collier


Joshua is an aspiring journalist, who’s been with The Skyline View for countless semesters now. He has taken on countless roles while on staff, such as Opinions Editor, Special Sections Manager, Photo Editor, and has spearheaded the brand new section The Focal Point. He will soon transfer away to a far off land to continue his educational endeavors. He will be taking with him a plethora of experiences, and the memories of a wonderful staff and adviser. Joshua’s passions include gaming, writing, and exploring whether it me the human psyche or just the great outdoors… Writing in third person makes me feel pompous, lets scrap that. My goals include breaking into the video game journalism industry and helping build a strong community, while offering the latest gaming news for whatever publishing company I work for. It’s with a whole heart that I want to thank all of Skyline for giving me the opportunity to use it as my training grounds. The people I’ve met and the bonds I’ve made have left an ever-present impression on my life. I love you all! Thanks you guys!! Oh did I forget to mention I like to sleep. But I never get enough of it.