Journalism needs resuscitation

As new technology is being integrated into our daily routines, the way we consume news is rapidly changing and leading to the decline of journalism. The introduction of the internet has made print media near obsolete. Most people who used to receive a physical newspaper have switched their subscription to the digital version. People can get their news from Alexa from amazon,– a new company that delivers top news straight to your inbox, or now BuzzFeed.

There does not seem to be a decline in the career field, and if anything, the Trump presidency has caused even more people to join the ranks of the press.

The problem lies in consumer interest since print newspapers have terrible return rates. According to The Atlantic, “Between 2000 and 2015, print newspaper advertising revenue fell from about $60 billion to about $20 billion, wiping out the gains of the previous 50 years.” Even advertisers are moving elsewhere for broader horizons.

Most people are familiar with the phrase, “The Failing New York Times”, popularized by President Trump, in response to their criticism of his actions. Newspapers have been publicly discredited, called, “untrue”, “falsified”, and most frequently, “fake”. Google now has a fact-check option, where there was none before. This is a two-way street, newspapers are trying to push their product while citizens are wary about trusting in the news.

This is relevant for our own campus too. We at The Skyline View, like other newspapers have an online website that diverts some of our foot traffic, but we also have a hard time pushing our campus newspapers. We have tried being prettier, flashier front pages, but the facts remain: physical newspapers are still not popular.

College of San Mateo (CSM) had their Journalism program shut downdue to having a low budget and the recession. We are the only school in San Mateo County that has even has a journalism program. This is another reason why we should revive our own program here at Skyline.

After attending the Journalism Association Community Colleges Conference (J.A.C.C.), we have discovered that other campus newspapers have had a similar problem as well. Some have completely transitioned their newspapers to their websites, and it has gone well. Others have started to make more magazines instead of or in addition to newspapers.

Perhaps we, at The Skyline View should change our content, make magazines, or transition to online. Will it make a difference? Who knows. One thing that we can do is change the way that we do things here at Skyline, as well as garner more interest in the journalism field in general.