The Skyline Pretty Committee comes to town

We are The Skyline Pretty Committee (TSPC), and anyone is welcome to join us as long as you can walk in (at least) 5″ stilettos. Our mission statement is to grace the world with more beauty, one member at a time. You know what that means: Makeover!

In order to keep our club in top shape we meet twice a week. Our on-campus meetings are held in the dance room at 3 p.m. on Wednesdays. Our second meeting each week takes place at Westfield Shopping Center, where we meet at 11 a.m. at Starbucks.

So why would you want to join our club? If you’re a part of TSPC the world is a more aesthetically pleasing place to be. We like to take care of ourselves. Some people call it high maintenance, we call it community service. We take selfies for the greater good of everyone else’s Instagram feeds. One portion of our weekly meetings consists of manicures/pedicures, waxes, and spa treatments. Last season’s outfits can be found in our donation bins, but it doesn’t stop there. We continue to support our community through shopping by being the consumers we’re meant to be.

If this isn’t enough incentive to have you knocking down our door, we also like to have fun little contests. Last month the contest was to see who could donate the most articles of clothing. The winner was TSPC member, Todd Macy, and his prize was a $50 Visa gift card to replenish his wardrobe.

“TSPC has helped me learn that when I do good things it doesn’t just have to be for myself,” Macy said. “But for others too.”

In TSPC, we’re not just about looking good we’re about feeling good too. It’s never too late to be pretty on the outside, but you will never fully be able to embrace that until you’re pretty on the inside too. At our sit down meetings we organize recreational sporting events and exercise plans. There’s no excuse for not exercising because, with our plans, you don’t even have to leave your room. You can forget about weights and just pick up two of those textbooks you still haven’t opened and do your reps with those. Also, it’s not too late to sign up for our beach bikini volleyball event on April 18, 2015, and if you need more information on that be sure to check out @theprettycommittee on our Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

TSPC was founded in January 2012 at University of California, Los Angeles. Since then, TSPC has been introduced at 55 different UC, CSU, and community colleges in both southern and northern California, creating a fast growing organization which is new this semester to Skyline College.

“Before I joined TSPC I had poor self-esteem and I didn’t realize my unhealthy habits were weighing me down,” Skyline student and President of TSPC, Staci Harrod, said. “Thankfully now that TSPC is at Skyline I can help myself and my friends be the pretty people we truly are.”

It doesn’t matter if you’re new to Skyline or almost graduating, it’s never too late to make new friends and start pretty people habits. Join us on Wednesdays to learn more and don’t forget your wallet if you plan to meet us at the mall, first timers treat everyone to froyo.